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Yearly Archives: 2017
Ontario Winter Games Tryouts
Tryouts for the Ontario Winter Games Team are November 12 and 19. Click here for more information. Deadline to register is Friday November 10.
Adult Social Play–October 14
Come join us for the first Adult Event of the season. Orillia is the host club and this will be an excellent excuse to get out for a drive to see the fall colours!! Click here for more information. Deadline for Registration is Thursday, October 12. This is a full day of social play so there’s no need to sign up with a partner. You’ll be playing with someone different for every match….a great chance to meet others!
Congratulations Mike & Donna Vanderschilden!
Mike & Donna, two GBDBA members, were recently awarded Wasaga Beach Male & Female Athlete of the Year! This husband & wife combo have been playing badminton for many years, participating in Provincial and National Masters Championships. They also have taken up the popular sport of pickleball. These two athletes are well deserving of the honour!