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Monthly Archives: November 2016

Ontario Quest for Gold

The 2016-17 Ontario Quest for Gold Program details are now released.  BON is accepting applications until December 6th, 2016.

Full Program details, the Athlete Selection Criteria, and the Tournament Tracking document can be found on the BON website under the news section and on the Information Page here: http://www.badmintonontario.ca/Programs/QuestforGold/QuestforGoldOntarioAthleteAssistanceProgram.aspx


Adult League Play-November 19

Come join us in Bracebridge for our next Adult event!  Click here for more information.  Registration deadline is Wednesday, November 16 at 12noon.

Junior Circuit#1-November 12

Participate in the first GBDBA Junior event of the season. This is a Singles event taking place in Gravenhurst.  Deadline to register is November 5.  Click here for more information and to register.